Saturday, April 17, 2010

Name Games

Sit the kids in a circle. Have them start a pattern of
clapping hands, patting knees, just going back and forth.
Say the following poem to the beat of claps and pats:
_______________(child's name) ______________ (child's name)
How do you do?
Who's that sitting next to you?
Child says name of person sitting beside them.

Chant new child's name:
David, David how do you do?
David would name the person beside him.
Go around the circle until everyone has had a turn.


(color) is my hair.
(color) are my eyes.
I'm _____ years old
and just the right size.
My name is _____ and as you can see
I'm very happy to be me.


Stand Up
(tune: Frere Jacques)

Stand up __________. Stand up __________.
Stand up __________. Stand up __________.
Reach up very high now.
Reach up to the sky now.
Then sit down. Then sit down.


I Am
(tune: Frere Jacques)

I am _____
I am _____
That's my name,
That's my name,
I am glad to be here,
I am glad to be here,
At school today,
At school today.


Who's Here Today?
(tune: Twinkle, Twinkle)

__________ came to school today.
We're so glad we'll shout


Where is _____?
(tune: Frere Jacques)

Where is _____?
Where is _____?
Here I am, here I am,
How are you today _____?
Very well, thank-you.
Yes I am. Yes I am.


Stand Up and Take a Bow
(unique tune - you'll have to make your own)

If your name begins with the letter A
Stand up! Stand up!
If your name begins with the letter A
Stand up and take a bow!

repeat for all the letters ... as kids get good at this one, combine letters and use for things like lining up for lunch ...

If your name begins with A, B, C
Stand up! Stand up!
If your name begins with the D, E, F
Stand up and get in line!


Good Morning!
(tune: If You're Happy and You Know It)

Good morning, (first name / last name).
How are you?
Good morning, (first name / last name).
How are you?
How are you this special day?
We're so glad you came to play.
Good morning, (first name / last name).
How are you?


Here We Are Together
(tune: Did you Ever See a Lassie?)

Here we are together,
Together, together,
Here we are together,
Back at school again
There's ____ , and ____,
____, and ____,
Here we are together,
Back at school again.


Happy Birthday Song
(tune: Old MacDonald)

(first name / last name) has a birthday.
Hip, hip, hooray!
And on her cake, she has ____ candles.
What a happy day!
With a puff puff here
And a puff puff there,
Here a puff
There a puff
Everywhere a puff puff
(first name / last name) has a birthday.
Hip, hip, hooray!


Everyone's Important
(tune: Have You Ever Seen A Lassie?)

________ is important, important, important.
________ is important to me and to you.
In work and in play
He / she does his / her best each day.
________ is important to me and to you.

Boom Clap Slap Game

Boom Snap Clap

Boom Boom Snap Clap Snap

Boom Snap Clap

Boom Boom Snap Shh